Will speaks

September 8th, 2024

From the Pastor’s Desk

Just a small thought, but one that I think can help us all to get the most out of our upcoming series.

One of the more challenging aspects of the life of King David is that itrepresents incredible Sunday School and Youth Camp sermon material, and it is not uncommon for someone who has been a believer for decades to have a fragmented and itemised understanding of the events of Davids life. This leads to us breaking down the events of the lives of the first three kings (Saul, David, Solomon) into small, often moral or example driven tales but disconnects us from the narrative and flow of their lives. 

As we come into this series can I invite everyone to keep an eye not only on the life of David, but on the way that David points the way to the true King who was to come in Jesus. I wanted to explore the events of Davids life because it demonstrates so much of the range of relatable human experiences, our strengths as believers, our human weaknesses, our clinging to God, our missing the mark. But underlying all of this is an undeniable truth that God is at work in Davids’s story as much as ours, and that every moment, every story, every psalm, every iconic moment, reveals the King who will come from David’s line but rule forever. 

I hope it is an incredible series for everyone and please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Pastor Will Samson


July 28th, 2024

From the Pastor’s Desk

Hello Church!

Welcome the Rev. Amel Manyon:

Sunday 4th August, 2pm

Nuriootpa Uniting Church The Uniting Church’s of the Barossa Valley are welcoming their new Minister, the Rev. Amel Manyon at a service next Sunday. I have been invited to attend with other Pastors from the Barossa, but it is an open commissioning service. It is a small building, so if you’re able bodied be prepared to stand, but there is nothing more encouraging as a Pastor to know that you are welcome into a community before you begin to serve! Amel will be replacing Rob Morgan and is on an initial 5 year call.

About Amel Manyon: The first South Sudanese woman ordained minister in the Uniting Church, serving now as the Minister to the Barossa Valley area. She is a constant source of support for the Sudanese community in Adelaide and beyond, especially for other women. She is a tireless mentor for many young people. Amel came to Australia from war-torn South Sudan as a refugee and found welcome in the Uniting Church, where she was encouraged to take on leadership roles. Amel is the current chair of the South Sudanese National Conference in the Uniting Church.

Funday Sunday 2024
As you may be aware, Funday Sunday 2024 will not be going ahead. This is due to a shortage of people being available to coordinate and organise the event. If anyone is interested in helping to ensure that the 2025 event goes ahead please let me know and I will help put you in touch with those organising it. Funday Sunday is a unique event and does represent an amazing opportunity to simultaneously connect the churches in Tanunda, while also giving opportunity to connect with our broader community. I am interested to see how God may develop and focus this ministry as time goes on.

Testimony Service September 1st
On September 1st we will be having a service where we can all share some of the significant moments that we have seen God at work in our lives. I believe that shared testimony and experience is one of the greatest ways of encouraging and strengthening a congregation. Remember, this is not about
how well you can speak, it is about sharing the incredible truth of what God does in our lives. Please let Will know if you would like to share an event, moment, or story.

~ Will ~

Talk to us

Have any questions regarding your christian walk, or seeking further biblical understanding  – contact Will Samson on 0401 405 673